Volunteer Opportunities for Members

All members have the opportunity to volunteer to serve on the committee(s) of their choice. Within the organization, there are assignments that can be done at home, assignments that can be done at the museum, and research assignments or opportunities to work in the larger community to gather information for the Association.

Join one of the standing committees:

Collections Committee (help determine what item(s) become accessioned to the NSHA)

Exhibit Committee (plan and install a new exhibit for the Fall of each year)

Sentinel Committee (research, write, photograph, proofread, fold and stamp an issue for mailing)

Publicity Committee (promote programs, projects, and fund raisers)

Program Committee (suggest and plan interesting presentations for members to enjoy)

Membership Committee (recruit new members and businesses, maintain records of membership)

Hospitality Committee (arrange for donations of refreshments, host each public program)

Genealogy Committee (collect information on families, places of worship, businesses and other interests that tell a more complete history of the town, assist residents with their local research)

Finance Committee (maintain accurate records of NSHA’s financial data and keep membership funds in interest-bearing accounts)

Historic Sites Committee (focus on specific locations within the town that have a special story to tell, and help tell those stories with historic markers or records available to the public)

Other ways to help: 

Help with the "housekeeping":

  • dust exhibit cases and shelves, vacuum the floors, put up and take down chairs for monthly programs;

  • keep track of current newspaper stories about local organizations, cut out and file these stories;

  • help type accessions or other paperwork onto the computer;

  • write an article for the Sentinel, interview a neighbor for an article;

  • suggest program ideas;

  • volunteer to become an Association trustee or officer of the organization; and

  • promote NSHA!- tell friends and family about the wonderful programming and the efforts to preserve the town’s history!